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Alex Safari Sony

“Photography is all about light, about learning to see with the eye of your camera and using different lenses to create different images”

by Jonathan and Angela Scott​

Born in Mexico, with German nationality and a Spanish heart, back in 2014 I moved to the incredible India, where I have been living and working for the past eight years.

Since 2022, I started residing between New Delhi and my home city Barcelona, and keep on travelling between both countries. And now in 2024 I have moved to Obidos part of the beautiful Silver Coast in Portugal.

My passion for photography was born over 35 years ago. Initially, I dedicated mainly my photographic activity to nature and wildlife.
Since then, I've been a partner with Pere of LF Photo Agency, a Barcelona-based audiovisual agency specialising in high-end photography and videography.


Specialising in portraits, I apply the same approach to my wildlife photography, trying to capture more intimate and special moments that tell a story about the subject.

My wildlife "photographic playgrounds" have been, of course, the stunning National Parks in India, where I have explored on numerous occasions Ranthambore, Pench, Kanya, Bandhavgarh and Corbett, as well as Sri Lanka, and Africa, a continent where we try to travel at least once a year.

Since January 2022, I have been associated with Sony India as a brand ambassador and use Sony Professional gear exclusively for my wildlife photography and filmmaking.

Previously, during my eight-year stay in India, I collaborated with Canon India in the launch of the EOS 5DMarkIV and the EOS R, as well as with Fujifilm India for the launch of the GFX50s, and have been featured multiple times by Nikon India and Nikon MEA.

My work has been published in Wild Planet Photo Magazine, Africa Geographic Magazine as well as by Canon China and Canon India.

  • Member of the AFP (Asociacion de Fotografos Professionales de España)

Sony Alpha India
Asociacion de Fotografos Profesionales de España
Fashion and Portrait Photographer
Copyright @Alex F Buchholz 2024. All rights reserved.
Wildlife Photographer
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